Follow MemePaPa ( Lance ) in game – ID 1644100530
or WhatsApp him at +65 90778070
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✓ coaches wanted
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What’s your Role?
Junglers kill creeps and buffs in the jungle to keep up with their laning teammates in terms of gold and experience.. They continuously rotate the map to clear creeps and secure objectives, significantly impacting the team’s economy and standing in the game.
Gold Laners
Gold laners typically play as a marksman, to farm safely, survive ganks, and reach your item power spikes as fast as possible. Unlike other roles, such as junglers or roamers, you don’t have much influence in the early game. Survive to strive late game as the key damage dealer for your team.
Mid laner, usually a Mage, controls the middle lane of the map.
That’s important because it leads to the river area that contains important objectives and access to other lanes. Additionally, destroying a turret in the lane opens up a lot of space on the battlefield, providing opportunities for a team to push and secure objectives more easily.
Exp Laners
Heroes are mostly fighters or tanks who have strong utility abilities and reliable damage skills.
Roamers are expected to move around the map strategically to help their team.
You can leash your jungler for them to get the purple or orange buff much faster, go to a lane to pick off an enemy or help an ally, or
Financial Planning
We need coaches. Are you one?
+65 90778070